{Frequently asked questions}
General Questions
- Orders cannot be modified or canceled after checkout!
- Only one coupon or discount code may be applied to each order.
- If you have any questions for us before you place your order, or if you are having technical issues, please contact us at cff39422@gmail.com or send a message using our Message Button at the bottom right of your screen.
What If An Item Is Out Of Stock?
- Sign up with your email for our newsletters to be informed of restocked items.
- Confirm it's correct and become a member.
Shipping Information
Exchange Policy
- View our exchange and return policies listed under Quick Links at the bottom of the home page.
Do We Have Gift Cards?
- We do have Gift Cards!
- You can purchase a gift card online and the card will be emailed to your or the person you want to receive the gift card.
- We can send a hard copy of the Gift Certificate, but do not advise because of the chance of the card being stolen in the postal mail system.
- Gift Card code will be sent once you complete your purchase.
- Our Gift Cards are non-refundable and will expire after 1 year.
Do You Have A Physical Store?
- Yes, we have a store located at 11 S 3rd St., Bay Springs, MS. 39422
Return Item Mailing Address:
- 4326 COUNTY ROAD 23, Louin, MS. 39422
May I Pick Up An Item From Current Location?
- Yes, we have a store located at 11 S 3rd St., Bay Springs, MS. 39422.
- What Size Should I Order?
- We have provided sizing charts and detailed information about each brand-item listed on our website to help you decide what size is appropriate for you.
What Are My Payment Options?
- We accept Apple Pay, META Pay, Google Pay, Paypal, Cash App, Shop Pay, Venmo, and all major credit card providers. SHOP PAY YOU EARN POINTS.
How Do I Use A Gift Or Promo Code?
- During the checkout process, enter your code in the box that says "Add Coupon" or "Promo Code."
- Unless you are told “No Code Needed” in the Current Sale Promotions Section on the Website. Click Current Sale Promotions - Fashion Forward 39422
What If I Get An Error Message During Checkout?
- Don't keep trying to checkout if you've received an error message; your card may get charged again!
- If you're having issues, contact us right away at cff39422@gmail.com or MESSAGE Box located to the bottom right of your screen.
Do I Get Any Kind Of Order Confirmation?
- You'll receive an email confirmation promptly after your order.
- You will also receive another email when your order is shipped.
- If you don't receive a confirmation within 24 hours of your order, please contact us at cff39422@gmail.com or MESSAGE Box located to the bottom right of your screen.